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Monday, August 22, 2011

Salvador says: Important guidelines for couples


Couples must make their relationship with one another a priority in their busy schedules.
By keeping the love alive and the butterflies flying, you ensure that your marriage will remain strong, even through the rough times.
Whether you are a new couple, or a long time married couple, there are certain important guidelines that you should follow, time tested and true.

Accept each other.
Be compassionate toward each other.
Be devoted to each other.
Be faithful to each other.
Be kind to each other.
Be patient with each other.
Bear humility toward each other.
Care for each other.
Carry each other's burdens.
Cherish each other.
Comfort each other.
Confess your sins to each other.
Cry with each other.
Depend on each other.
Don't be mad at each other.
Don't grumble against each other.
Don't judge each other.
Don't slander each other.
Encourage each other.
Enjoy each other.
Fellowship with each other.
Forgive each other.
Greet each another.
Give to each other.
Help each other.
Kiss each other.
Laugh with each other.
Live in harmony with each other.
Love each other.
Minister spiritual gifts to each other.
Offer hospitality to each other.
Play with each other.
Pray together and for each other.
Prefer each other.
Rejoice with each other.
Respect each other.
Say "I love you" to each other.
Serve each other.
Stimulate each other.
Submit to each other.
Support each other.
Touch each other.
Trust each other.
Wait for each other.
Write love notes to each other.


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