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Monday, July 25, 2011

Salvador says: Best advice for Newly Weds

I wrote some advices that will help newlyweds in starting their life as couple. I hope that my advices will help them.
1. Save money- Money troubles put stress on a marriage. In fact it is one of the major problems of a couple. So newlyweds need to save money for their living.
2. Communicate with each other- Communication about everything can help to know each other better and helps in resolving issues.
3. Look good for each other- Keep up with hygiene and get dressed once in a while. When you start paying less attention to your look you are sending a message to your spouse that you just don't care in maintaining the attraction between the two of you.
4. Sex- Sex is a vital part of a marriage relationship. You should make sure your sex is satisfying for both of you.
5. Get a life- Hang onto your friends and family. Just because you're married does not mean you should abandon everyone.

Source-Womens Journal

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