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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Salvador says:How to Get Your Boyfriend Back

1. Properly send your man signals that you have already totally accepted the breakup even though the reality is otherwise.
Making your man believe that you have already moved on usually hits his ego and stirs him to think whether he is your loss or you are his loss. Showing no desperation in winning him back conversely makes him desperate to come back to prove his worth.
Also, older men no longer find women who are possessive and obsessive cute and lovable. Mature men appreciate women who can be their partner rather than their pet.
2. It pays to always look your best - internally and externally. Maintaining inner and outer beauty will, in no way, drive your man away.
Take advantage of how well you know him. Put on a dress that has the color and style he likes; set your hair in ways he finds sexy; and use the perfume you were using to sweep him back to the times when you were still together.
Having a girlfriend with a good heart and a prudent mind is nothing but trophy for most men.
Any ex-boyfriend couldn't help but snivel on the sight of a beautiful woman with a golden heart being admired and respected by other men.

3. Maintain warm relationships with your man’s friends and family members.
Being warm with his crowd usually results to complimentary award-winning advertisement on how good you are as a friend and a family member.
Being nice with his clique shows how diplomatic you are in dealing with issues. He may also perceive you as a good partner in both good and not-so-good times.
4. Always be yourself.
Being the woman that you really are can help rekindle old flame. Who you truly are was the reason why he became attracted to you. Maybe it's the perfect time to look at yourself and retrospect. Have you changed a lot? Are the changes because of improvement or of worsening?
While doing all these, you are also helping yourself become the esteemed woman you need to be whether he comes back to your or not. If he comes back, it means you are really wired and meant for each other. If he doesn't, then rejoice because you have already started spreading your wings and are now more prepared to take off and soar to the vast heavens of possibilities and opportunities for growth and successes.

Source: lovetips.com

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